Not every interaction with your peer group will have a transformational impact on your company.  Any one interaction can.

As a Vistage Chair, I get to interact every day with the best and brightest business leaders in the Upstate.  I also get to celebrate their successes.

Last month we had Certified Speaking Professional Mikki Williams as our resource speaker (we have 8 resource speakers each year).  Her topic: Your Net-Work is Important to your Net Worth.

After her dynamic, entertaining, and educational program on how to grow and nurture your personal network, Mikki challenged the group with “homework,” assigning specific action items to help each member practice the skills she had reviewed.  One of those action items was “to reconnect with two people in your business network that you have lost contact with or not communicated with in a while.”

One of my members reported at this month’s meeting that he had done the homework, and that one of the people he connected with, whom he had not talked with in several years, was not only delighted to hear from him and learn about the new company he is now leading, but also placed an order for $100,000 worth of product, with a promise of $1-2M in annual recurring sales. 

Obviously, not every Vistage member will experience something like this every month or every year.  However, every one of our group members will tell you that what they get out of the group pays for their dues every year.  Several members will tell you that “I’ve paid my dues for life.”

If you would like to learn more about the benefits of being a member, or if you know someone who would benefit from membership in any one of Vistage’s four programs, please contact me.

Peer group membership is not for everyone.  Not all persons and companies will qualify.  A member and his company must bring value to the group as well as get value.