Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight.

Extend to them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster,

and do it with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again.”

 Og Mandino

Author of the “The Greatest Salesman in the World”

What Science Says About Motherhood

There are scientific studies about nearly everything these days and motherhood is no exception..   Check out these 10 Things Science Says About Being A Mom In 2014 from a short article in the Smithsonian Magazine.  Happy Belated Mother’s Day!!!

Next for Bezos: Wholesale Slaughter

Dominating B2C apparently wasn’t enough. A new Forbes article warns “Forget the delivery drones and TV deals. (Jeff Bezos’) stealthy foray into the unsexy world of B2B distribution is likely his most disruptive move yet — and it has an $8 trillion swath of the economy running scared” If your business has not been impacted by Amazon yet, this article will give you a scary look at what may be awaiting you

The LinkedIn Settings Mistakes Most People Still Make

Vistage Speaker Colleen McKenna provided the upstate Vistage Groups with a compelling message in March – LinkedIn is not social; it’s business.  Forbes contributor Cheryl Conner pitches in with her take on 5 settings you should consider changing to make LinkedIn work for you and your business, not against it.

23 Psycho Hacks!

Life is about relationships….business and personal.  Here on one page are 23 psycho hacks that might give you an edge.

Econ Recon: The New Marx?….and Vistage Confidence Index

 The New Marx?: The economic and political world is all agog over a new work by Thomas Piketty” “Capital in the 21st Century. Piketty maintains the old concentration of wealth that characterized the early Industrial Revolution prior to the rise of the middle classes in the 20th century is returning with significant implications for the economy, society, policy and ultimately, your business. Right or wrong, this book will be provoking a lot of discussion. If you want the short version of the book in four paragraphs from The Economist, click here.

 First quarter Vistage Confidence Index: What  are your C-level peers saying about the economy? Check out the first quarter Vistage Confidence Index and find out where those who create the economy think it’s heading.