Happy 4th of July; B2B Win Back; High Deductable, High Risk; Econ Recon

John Adams, founding father and second President of the United States, had a hand in shaping our Independence Day celebrations. A day after the vote for independence by the Continental Congress, he wrote his wife Abigail:

“I am apt to believe that it [this day] will be celebrated by succeeding generations, as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance by solemn actions of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations from one end of this continent to the other from this time forward forever more.”

As we celebrate this Independence Day with bells, bonfires, and fireworks, we recall the service and the deeds of those who have gone before. We give thanks to the men and women of our Armed Forces safeguarding our liberty, operating at sea, ashore, and in the air. We salute the flag of the United States of America.

The B2B “Win Back”

 There are four ways to increase volume:  Sell more to existing customers…..Sell to new customers…..Raise prices….and .win back customers  you lost.  Marketing and sales people often assume that a lost customer is gone forever. This short blog posting from HBR outlines a process that may prove that assumption wrong, and may help you and your team to win back what’s been lost. Check out “How B2B Customers Can Win Back Customers They’ve Lost”.

High Deductible, High Risk?

 Health insurance is becoming one of business’ biggest and most rapidly increasing expenses. Many companies are considering renewals at mid-year and the prospect of offering a lower cost, high deductible insurance plan can be very attractive. However, these plans can have adverse outcomes if employees defer or decline needed medical care. Moreover, many employees are coming to resent an insurance benefit that doesn’t look much like insurance until they’ve paid a significant amount out of their own pockets.  
With the war for talent heating up, health coverage is one more differentiator to attract and keep employees. This brief article from the Wharton School asks “With High Deductible Employer Health Plans, Who Wins? “

Econ Recon

A $1.5 Trillion Elephant in the Room: Some analysts say that student loans may be the next debt bubble and that their debt repayments are already impacting milestone economic events like first home purchase.   However, as in all crises, there may be opportunity. Lauren Saidel-Baker of ITR Economics explores the facts and suggests that the situation may not be as bad as publicized; indeed there may be opportunities in this crisis. Check out Ms. Saidel-Baker’s brief blog on the topic: The $1.5 Trillion Elephant in the Room.
5 Threats to Prosperity: Some economists are warning of a slowing economy, economist Brian Wesbury thinks otherwise. He looks at five events that could trigger a downturn and doubts that most will occur.  Check out his latest 6 minute Wesbury 101 video Five Threats to Prosperity.