Consciously Super Competent

We have all heard of the four stages of competency.

1) Unconsciously Incompetent – we don’t know what we don’t know.

2) Consciously Incompetent – we know what we don’t know or what we need to learn to be competent.

3) Consciously Competent – we know what we need to know to be competent, and we must focus on it in a considered way to execute well

4) Unconsciously Competent – we are so practiced at something that quality execution comes automatically, as a habit.


I submit there is a fifth level of competency I call “Consciously Super Competent.” This is when we are unconsciously competent at something, and because of circumstances or need, we intentionally focus on being particularly excellent.

Think, for example, about driving a car. We start before we get our license by not knowing what it takes to be a good driver. Then we progress to knowing what are strengths and weaknesses are, and begin to learn the skills necessary to not be a hazard to ourselves and others. We receive instruction and monitoring to insure we are safe before we get our license. The license examination certifies that we are at least consciously competent to continue our education and practice on our own – that we can drive safely, but it takes our full attention. Finally (if we’ve developed the right habits as we practice our skills) we can be a good driver with almost no effort.

Then the snow storm hits. We double check the car before we leave the garage to make sure the tires aren’t too worn and that we have enough gas in case we get delayed; we plan our route to avoid that hill that is OK most days but too steep when it might be icy. We take the car with front wheel or all-wheel drive instead of the big sedan. We proceed very carefully, adjusting our speed, following distance, etc. to prevent sliding.  We keep the radio or CD off and don’t engage in extraneous conversations. We look farther ahead to be sure the way is clear so we don’t have to stop on a hill etc. We are consciously super competent at driving, and as a result we arrive safely and we don’t get into those weather-related wrecks like others who are less intentional about their lives.

When faced with a must-succeed situation, how intentionally do you plan to be Consciously Super Competent?