“People would rather live with a problem they cannot solve
than accept a solution they do not understand.”

Robert Woolsey
Professor of operations research
at the Colorado School of Mines

How Ike (and then Covey) Did It

Few people had more important and momentous careers that President Dwight (Ike) Eisenhower. During World War II he was Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe. He not only led the planning for the invasion of Europe, his remarkable interpersonal skills held together a fragile coalition of US, English, French and Russian Allies often at odds with each other. He then served two terms as an extremely popular president of the United States in the 1950s.

In addition to his people skills, he was able to manage himself for remarkable effectiveness. This short article shares how he looked at the challenges in front of him and how he decided what to do…..and equally important what NOT to do. Find out “What President Eisenhower Can Teach Us About Prioritization.”  (Then reread Steven Covey’s time management advice from “Seven Habits of Hightly Effective People.” Good advice as we enter the New Year!

No News is Better News

Speaking of what not to do in 2018…… One of the great media innovations of our lifetimes has been the 24 hour news cycle. While the ability to watch the news whenever we want seems like an advance, maybe it isn’t. Ryan Holiday, best-selling author of  “The Obstacle Is The Way,”  advises that “Seriously, we need to stop watching the news this year,”  and how we might benefit from doing so, including having more time to focus on the big picture.

Are These Trends Your Friends?

I make every effort is made to keep this newsletter free of politics. That said, as business people what the politicians do affects us. We ignore Washington (much as we’d like to) at our peril. Vistage’s Research Center has put together a very interesting, and neutral as possible, analysis of “Political Trends That Will Affect Your Business in 2018 and Beyond” Check it out! This is Part 1 of a four-part series utilizing notable sources such as The Economist, Kiplinger and Bloomberg BusinessWeek to provide an overview on trends that may impact Vistage members. Parts 2, 3 and 4 will be shared when available.

Hillbilly Elegy

I recommend business books primarily, and every once in a while something exceptional of another sort of non-fiction comes by. Hillbilly Elegy is an autobiographical account of a family swept up in the migration from Appalachia to manufacturing jobs in the mid-west, the social impacts when those jobs went away (when the “rust belt” was formed), and one person’s escape from the cycle of poverty with the help of a stong-willed grandmother, the U.S. Marine Corps, and personal grit.

Besides the insights you will gain into some of our country’s greatest social challenges, you will have a great time reading it. It is stunningly well written. Enjoy.

Econ Recon:

Boom! Dow at 25,000, says Dr. Brian Wesbury, is just the start of even better economic times and even more gains in the stock market. Much of his he feels will be fueled by the new tax law. See his latest Wesbury 101 video: Boom!

How to View the Bull: Brian Beaulieu at ITR Economics has a more conservative view of what’s ahead for the market. Check out his blog entry for an alternative way to look at the market….and some alternative views of what may happen…and what to do about it.